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PCs & Mobiles Forum

USB help

Reversed (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 15:34


I wonder if anyone can give me some advice? I have two USB ports at the front of my PC the problem is that they don`t seem to work, no matter what I plug into them. The two at the back recognise everything right away but the front ones, nothing. Do I have some settings wrong or do you think there just duff?

Any advice is greatly appreciated

Rev :)

RE: USB help

Sandy Matthews (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 15:42

Hi Rev,

could be a couple of things.

Firstly, these sockets need to be wired into your motherboard (or possibly into a separate USB card) - it`s possible the connection has become loose, or was never connected in the first place

Secondly, the front sockets will often come up as a USB hub in Windows device manager - look in your device settings, and see if you have any unknown devices, or any USB hubs that aren`t working

Finally (for now), do the devices you`re trying need to draw power from the USB socket? Some do, and while the ones at the back draw power direct from the motherboard, front facing ones often don`t. This is usually OK for devices such as joysticks, mice etc, but for printers, scanners and so on there`s just not enough power.

One test you can carry out to see if it`s connected, is use a device that has some on-board indication that it`s working - something with an LED or equivalent. If it lights up, chances are the sockets are wired up, and it`s a driver issue. If they`re dead, check your wiring.

Hope this helps,


RE: USB help

drb (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 15:44

This doesn`t sound like a software setting. More likely something loose (or not connected at all) inside the box.

Why is this in the bargain buckets forum?

Come to that, why is it on the DVD Reviewer site ? :/

RE: USB help

Reversed (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 15:51

crap, I ALWAYS manage to post in thw wrong forum in this site. And I have no clue how. How do i move it the the PC and mobiles forum.

Thank you for the advice, i`ll go try it all out now. I`ve tried my printer in there, but that doesn`t draw power from the PC, i`ve tried my digi camera, phone connector and MP3 player and nothing each time. I`ll have a check see if its connected.

Rev :)

RE: USB help

Reversed (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 16:12

Ok, it seems there not connected. There`s a port for a mic and headphones there too and nothing is connected. Which brings me to my next question, how and where do I connect them?

and can a mod please move this post to the pc nd mobile forum please

Rev :)

RE: USB help

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 16:40

The first thing I would look at is to take a peek inside the case & see whats present in terms of cable or socket on the otherside of the front panel.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: USB help

Reversed (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 18:12

sorry to sound noobish but I have no clue what i`m doing here. Does anyone know a site that can tun me thrrough how to connect tham? I have no clue where to start.

Rev :)

RE: USB help

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 31st March 2004, 23:33

It depends on the case\motherboard\add-in USB Cards you have, without seeing the thing its harder to diagnose remotely.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: USB help

Reversed (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 1st April 2004, 00:13

yeah I thought that might be a problem. I`m not even sure what motherboard/case it is, I bought it built from a pc fair a few months back. Once the pc is all together I can fix most problems but open the case and i`m pretty clueless. Oh well, thank you for the advice people. it was worth a try.

Rev :)

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