workmandvd(Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 9th March 2004, 22:44
i had a pioneer 107d fitted today,got home ready to burn my first dvd with dvd shrink,and what happened about half way through it restarts my pc,check the firmware and it`s v1.09,and how the hell do i fit a dvd on to a blank dvd,it tells me i hav`nt got enough space,i`m also using nero 6,please help.
RE: problem with pioneer 107d
Rassilon(Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 10th March 2004, 14:15
Walk before you can run do it in 2 steps to establish where the fault if any occurred.
Using DVD Shrink
Analyse the disk, set the compression required (or deselect the extras) to fit on a DVD Green bar without any red showing & backup to HDD
If that works OK then burn it to DVD as a seperate stage using Nero.
Version 3.1 intergrates into latest version Nero & should allow you analyse, & burn straight to DVD in one step.
"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"