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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Pipex connection

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 09:50

Anyone having problems connecting with Pipex (adsl Xtreme) recently?
The last week I`ve had trouble staying connected. Seem to be getting a lot of cannot locate dial tone messages. Only way to get round it is to keep rebooting the pc :( I`ve also noticed that its been running rather slow lately - especially for a broadband connection.

I`ve upgraded to latest version of Zone Alarm and am not sure if this might be causing a conflict.

Any help would be appreciated.
Cheers Niteowl

RE: Pipex connection

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 10:02

What modem are you using - The Fujitsu they used to supply needs a d/l tweak to increase a internal setting.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: Pipex connection

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 18th February 2004, 10:27

No problems here. They did have a connectivity probem during the week. You can check the Status here.

RE: Pipex connection

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 09:54

Been away a few days and connected to pipex okay - to check emails and same thing happened - got an automatic disconnection, tired to connect again told unable to make connection so had to reboot pc >:(

I`ll check out their status page.

p.s. might not be in the right forum but got a funny email too from a eiznikcam.yug[at]moc.revifcam - subject Stolen - with an attachment which I haven`t opened saying "I`ve got information on you" I`ve just deleted it. Don`t know who the sender - but wonder how I got it cause my emails are usually filtered.

RE: Pipex connection

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 13:44

On Pipex issues visit the forum at ADSL Guide - excellent advice from the regulars there.

As the poster above notes, it may be worth doing some tweaks on the RWIN and TCP settings using a utility called Dr TCP.

Also worth checking that all the wires are securely fixed into the modem and your PC (USB) - I had lots of problems with cutting out and it was down (much to my embarrassment) to a loose cable :D

On the dodgy e-mail - yup, you did good - if you don`t recognise the sender and there`s an attachment involved don`t open it. I trust you have anti-virus software ?


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

RE: Pipex connection

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 14:35

I also received 2 very dubious emails last week: :o

One was from a company & contained a attachment, the body of the e-mail said "Thats Wrong".

The other again was a attachment & a typical "Information about" message, I e-mailed the sender, apparently I am not the only one to have received e-mails from "her" & she requested further details.

Both e-mails were deleted without opening the attachments, AV scanner didnt detect anything amis either.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: Pipex connection

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 20:10

Thanks for advise on Pipex Clayts. I`ll check out the ADSL page and Dr TCP.

I have AVG running with checks for emails but it didn`t detect it (even though its updated regularly).

RE: Pipex connection

blinky2004 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 25th February 2004, 20:15

There have been problems for people on the xtreme server. I haven`t been affected as I`m on xtreme2. As the others say the Pipex forum at ADSL guide is your best bet. It`s not uncommon for the technical director to post their from time to time.

RE: Pipex connection

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2004, 08:44

I`ve had problems connecting the last 2 evenings round about 8 - 9 pm. It says its connected but doesn`t allow you to surf - and last night it connected with access to internet but kept disconnecting :/
Anyone else experiencimg these probs?.

RE: Pipex connection

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2004, 10:07

Any of you pipex user had problems with svchost.exe kicking up a fuss shortly after dialing up?


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