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PCs & Mobiles Forum

needing help

mo69er (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 13th February 2004, 11:25

i bought a mobile phone off a market stall near me (i know i should know better..but it was cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!)it worked for a month now has shut down someone told me it needs its imei number changing
1.what is a imei number? do i change it?
id be grateful if anyone has any suggestions(except throwing it in the bin)

RE: needing help

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th February 2004, 12:29

It is illegal to change the IMEI number punishable not just by a fine, but a spell eating Lizzies finest porridge as well.

If it was a stolen phone, the theft would have been reported & the IMEI number would have been blocked from all networks rendering the phone useless.

I assume you have tried other SIM cards in there to verify if its the phone or SIM thats defective. You could always ring your service provider & say my phones dead, they will probably need the IMEI number to verify the phones legality, I would expect a vist from the boys shortly afterwards.

"Great chunks of my past detaching themselves like melting icebergs"

Bigger on the inside

RE: needing help

SittingPretty (Elite) posted this on Friday, 13th February 2004, 13:28

I was given a mobile for christmas from friend... one like I had, so had charger. Twas happy, until I put my sim in... then find out the phone has been blocked... obviously stolen. :( I don`t think my friend stole it, his dad is a taxi driver, thinking it was left in the car now... I haven`t told friend, but he wonders why i`m still using my brick spare phone... it`s my spare sim, so don`t take it out much.
Really upset me... and sh*t me up. :(

RE: needing help

mo69er (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 15th February 2004, 13:28

thanks guys for your help wot a stroke of good look was looking round a market 10 mile away from where i first got ripped off and guess who i bumped into yes thats right the git who ripped me off well to cut along story short i pursauded him to refund my money(if you know wot i mean!!!!)so alls well that ends well


RE: needing help

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 15th February 2004, 14:29

also be carefull using your sim in a blocked phone as any sim used in the phone can blocked as well, i know this cos my wife had her phone stolen just before xmas and when i rang to block it i was asked if any other sim`s had been used in the phone as they could block those as well. i waited till xmas eve to block the phone and any sim that had been in it, hopefully someone had a nasty shock on christmas day. :D


general nobody @

This item was edited on Sunday, 15th February 2004, 14:29

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