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How do I find out location of DVD drive?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 16:47

I want to update the firmware of my extremely dodgey DVD drive as I feel this might make it a bit more stable. Trouble is, I don`t know the location of it, i.e. primary, secondary, slave or master.

How do I find out? I don`t want to flash the wrong drive!


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RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

HomerSimpson (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 17:06

Quick easy way is when you first turn the PC on have a look at the BIOS screen on boot, tells you what is connected there.

RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

W@yne (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th January 2004, 23:17

Safest way would be to pull the cables from the other drives until you have flashed the DVD that way you know you will get the right one.

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RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 01:11

Click this link to download the Nero Info Tool. It`s a very useful bit of software, and if you click on the `Configuration` tab it tells you what drive is on what channel.

RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

JulesBloke (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 13:24

I used this to flash mine:

Download your .bin file, the use MTKWinFlash to flash the drive. You can select the drive by drive letter or position on the ide cable. Obviously drive letter will be the one you should use - it`ll save you working out which channel to flash.

RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 13:40

Cheers :)

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RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 25th January 2004, 14:17

Right, I have got the program and got my firmware so I am all ready to go, but the firmware comes in two seperate .bin files, and on the linked site (above) it says if the firmware is in two files it needs to be merged, but the link to the site telling you how to merge them is down.

Anyone know how to merge them?


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RE: How do I find out location of DVD drive?

Jim Morrison (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th January 2004, 17:06

Tried flashing it but all I get is:

fail to identify the flash type!

So I`m think for the sake of £30 might as well get down to PC World and get a new Samsung drive.


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