Page 1 of how do i stop flickering when transfering films from pc to video

PCs & Mobiles Forum

how do i stop flickering when transfering films from pc to video

djc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st August 2003, 10:09

hi i am new to home computing i was wondering if anyone knows a way i can stop flickering when i am copying to video from my computer dvd i am useing a tv out lead bought from argos

RE: how do i stop flickering when transfering films from pc to video

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 31st August 2003, 10:17

Check the TV out settings from your video card - make sure it`s set to a 50Hz PAL mode (e.g. PAL-I, PAL-B, PAL-G).

If you still have issues, it may be a Macrovision-related problem (I`m not certain of this, though). You could always have a search around the net, and see if there`s a `Macrovision off` hack for whatever software you use.


RE: how do i stop flickering when transfering films from pc to video

djc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st August 2003, 10:21

thanks mike i will look into that it is not the macrovision because it is off it is mainly when there is a fast scene on a film thanks john

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