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PCs & Mobiles Forum

PC cassette deck - where to get?

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2003, 08:46

I saw this on ebay:

does anyone know of any UK shops that do these? I`ve got 100`s of rare live performances and bootlegs on audio cassette, and this will be quite helpful in transfering them over to MP3.

RE: PC cassette deck - where to get?

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2003, 09:56

You don`t need it to transfer tapes to your computer - you just attach a cable from the headphone socket on your stereo to the line-in socket on your soundcard.

RE: PC cassette deck - where to get?

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2003, 10:54

I know that, but my stereo is in a different room, all wired up and the results with a walkman aren`t too great so this looks like the perfect solution.

RE: PC cassette deck - where to get?

Ravimann (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2003, 15:41

Try link below a nice small sony cassette deck at only £29.99


RE: PC cassette deck - where to get?

Paull (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 14th August 2003, 16:45

I think a stand alone cassette deck is the way forward. The price of the computer one is quite high & I can`t see any spec (frequency responce). To get the best from the tapes you need as good a spec` as you can get.

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