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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Star Wars Galaxies....P.C Game

robtruscott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 03:51

anyone got a URL of where i can pick up Star Wars Galaxies from?
have tried several places that i know of but because they are based in the UK they wont be getting it untill DEC!!!
and all the places i have tried in the states are either sold out or wont ship to the UK

RE: Star Wars Galaxies....P.C Game

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 06:46

RE: Star Wars Galaxies....P.C Game

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 13:02

The thing is they state on the Galaxies website it is for use in the US only. You may find when you put in your billing info they wont accept it anyway and then you wont be able to play.

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 14:02

RE: Star Wars Galaxies....P.C Game

misterpol (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 14:13

...and the servers will be based in the states too. I`m pretty sure that servers can be set to detect where you are connecting from ( when I played RTCW there were some french servers that were for french residents only to maximise speed of play - they blocked players outside that domain) and may block your access.

The delay in releasing the game over here will be to get servers and support services set up in Europe. At least the game will have a couple of months of real playtesting in the states before we get it. This should hopefully mean fewer bugs, better gameplay etc...

RE: Star Wars Galaxies....P.C Game

robtruscott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 28th June 2003, 14:18

well i know of a few players in europe that already have it and are playing(friends i have when playing Ultima Online) but as they live in other europe countrys they are able to get it shipped to them but when i went to the same place they would not ship to the UK :-(
(hope that all made sence)

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