Page 1 of Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

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Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

MAD Jazpa (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 14:54

I am finding this game really hard going.  The single player is mind numbing and the online play is just the same as MW2 ie loads of either school kids or those who spend quite a bit of time at home have already got quite high in the levels and just shoot the **** out of you.  The games should be sorted according to rank.  That way it is more of a level playing field.

Whereas what you really have is the guy who does nothing else all day other than play this, eat crisps and possibly crack one off when he moves up a level or gets a massive killstreak... He should get out more and kiss girls and drink beer

I am really bored of it already and I know I shouldn`t be.  May even trade in at the weekend...

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 15:03

not so much bored of it, but frustrated to **** by it.

i`m also thinking of getting rid tbh. will wait and see.


RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 15:12

Private Team Deathmatch, `tis the way to go ;)
But tbh, although I find it "similar but different" to MW2 can`t say I`m fed up of it yet
Frustrated too, yes, and agree the ranking system should put players of similar levels against each other but like MW2 it probably aint gonna happen.
Can`t see why not either, has to be relatively easy programming that whatever level you are on those in that "party" have to be within 5 levels either way or something.
They could always have an option where you play against any level players if you wanted to.

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 16:26

My only frustrations with it (360 version) has been the dropped games, bad lag, the amount of time taken to join a game which ends up full of yanks and me with the lowest level of connection.

I was at a mates house half an hour ago and when he loaded up black ops, there was live update for it. I havent tried my own yet but i`m hoping it sorts a few of the issues because when the game work,it works great IMO.

On a slightly related note does anyone know if killstreak awards are carried over to the next game?, i ask because i was with the same group on TD last night, we had a match were one of the `enemy` team members had a spy plane and mortar attack within the first minute or so of the match and at that time the The guy with the highest kills had 4 kills and 1 death.

Definately not bored of the game though, only frustrated at the issues i`ve mentioned.


RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

1mills (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 16:40

Jimbo :oÞ says...
Frustrated too, yes, and agree the ranking system should put players of similar levels against each other but like MW2 it probably aint gonna happen.

I never found that on MW2, always when on about level 15/20 I was playing people who had Prestiged etc and had 10times better weapons.

Anyway original reason for posting saw this on Hotukdeals

Black Ops currently trades in at £35 at hmv, so the deal would be the same.
Can`t confirm accuracy but probably of interest for anyone looking to get rid.

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

miikeyblue82 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 18:08

MAD Jazpa says...
what you really have is the guy who does nothing else all day other than play this, eat crisps and possibly crack one off when he moves up a level or gets a massive killstreak... He should get out more and kiss girls and drink beer

Heeeey!!! I drink beer!!!

Seriously, not bored of this at all. I only play in the evenings generally, working 9 to 5 is a bitch! Even then I don`t play every night - just finding it really easy.

Use your COD points to buy good weapons & killstreaks - you`ll level up a lot quicker!

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 21:14

I just want Team Deathmatch Express back :(

Forever <M.A.D>

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 22:05

There was an update tonight to 1.03 or something.
I hate they way it updates but doesn`t tell you what it`s "fixed"

Found a bug in my second game. Once guy, level 40 something staying in one area but moving around it a little. He was obviously doing well as it was killstreak after killstreak cos me n a couple of others were chasing him down (I got him in the end! LOL)
A few times I had the drop on him but he still managed to get the kill (even the killcam for him was red blotches and hit a few times more before he even hit me! god knows how I died and he didn`t) and he got the attack dogs.

As I had respawned very close I went straight for him, seen the dogs and shot two of them dead.
Ran on to go for him, dog got back up and ripped me apart :(

Wasn`t impressed by that one!!

Jimbo : oÞ

"Making Teenagers depressed is like shooting fish inna barrel"

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th November 2010, 22:06

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

MAD Jazpa (Competent) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2010, 01:33

Hey Mikey I`m sure you do. I wasn`t really referring to any of my MAD buddies.... Honest... May stick with it, not sure if I can be bothered or have the patience to play several mis matched games whilst I rank up the levels and get better weapons etc... Trade in for the new Assassins Creed looking on the cards though...

RE: Anyone else bored of Black Ops yet?

Bezzawezza (Elite) posted this on Friday, 19th November 2010, 08:10

I wouldn`t say I am bored of it as I am enjoying the single player but the Multiplayer has reminded me of why I stopped playing MW2 so much and its exactly as I said on a different thread and has been said already on this thread - the matchmaking sucks. When there are something like 2 million people playing the game online it should be easy to pair me with players of a similar level/ability and avoid putting me (a fairly casual online player) with a 15 year old CoD obsessed boy who hasn`t left his bedroom for the last 10 days as he has been playing the game constantly and is now able to play blindfolded. 
I would also speculate that there is glitching going on as suggested above. I believe that killstreak rewards DO NOT carry over to another game. Therefore people should not be able to have dog attacks, mortar strikes etc within 60 seconds of a game starting but this is happening quite often. It really annoys me as the people glitching are so obsessed with ranking up on a game (its not real remember) that they are content to spoil the game for hundreds of other people and ultimately ruin the community that they so desperately want to be top of.

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