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[MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 26th February 2010, 09:57

thinking of getting this next week when it`s released.

anyone else?


This item was edited on Friday, 26th February 2010, 09:58

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 26th February 2010, 10:09

is there a demo out for it ?  if so i`ll have a mooch :)

Forever <M.A.D>

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

Mister Smee (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th February 2010, 10:57

Yeah there`s a MP demo on the PSN stroe.


Could someone please
Remove these cutleries
From my knees...

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2010, 21:14

definitely getting this tomorrow (5th)... been looking at some of the footage, it looks f*****g
fantastic. eurogamer gave it a solid 9 and a lot of sites are rating it better than MW2.

anyone else gonna get this and join me online?

eurogamer review:


RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2010, 21:22

I`m tempted. Loved the first one (single player only though).

It seems to be £36.99 everywhere online...any ideas what the supermarkets are selling for?

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 4th March 2010, 21:34

any ideas what the supermarkets are selling for?

pass. i`ve got a couple of games to trade: CoD MW and InFamous (sealed!) which
i`ll take into game / gamestation tomorrow lunchtime.


RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2010, 09:34

Stopped by the Tesco on Bishopsgate (London) this morning but they didn`t have it (yet).
I reckon it`ll be £37 ish in most of the shops.

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2010, 09:49

was £37.79 @ asda this morning.

me being a stupid dumbass forgot to bring my trade games with me
to work.. d`oh

probably won`t get chance to get it this weekend now `cos i`m working in
the morning then will be looking for a car.


RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 5th March 2010, 10:01

then will be looking for a car.

I`ve got a nice 3.2 V6 Audi TT for sale ;)

The Mrs and I will be looking for a new(er) car soon I think. Just can`t decide what to start looking at!

RE: [MAD]Battlefield 2 - Bad Company

Miles (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 6th March 2010, 11:00

Picked a copy of this up this morning. Will let you know what I think later on.

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