Page 1 of Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

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Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

Simon Gillow (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th May 2002, 13:44

I am on my 2nd Pacific 750. The first paused every now and then during playback and it was annoying, I took it back and swapped for another one but it has the same fault. It is a pause a bit like the one you get on all dual layer discs but it happens about 10 times per movie and is very annoying.

I am going to take it back again and need advice, should I go for another 750 or perhaps another model that ASDA sell? Or should I get my money back and buy something else (if so then what do you recommend for under £100)? Any help appreciated. I would like a player that I could make multi region and macro free. I will mainly play DVDs but VCD capability would also be useful.


RE: Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th May 2002, 19:44

Get a Dansai 852 from Sainsburys, £99.49. If you can`t find one get one of the clones which will be just over £100 delivered, just search this forum.

RE: Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

Telboy10 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 9th May 2002, 20:18

Micoman, I think you mean Tescos. Anyway these machines are in very short supply, a friend of mine has been trying to track one down.

RE: Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th May 2002, 20:59

Or should I get my money back and buy something else (if so then what do you recommend for under £100)? - I was replying to this bit

There were some clone versions of the Dansai but they don`t seem to be sold any more?

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th May 2002, 21:11

RE: Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

Simon Gillow (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 10th May 2002, 15:14

So nothing else on sale at ASDA is any good then? They sell some other players I believe.

I think richer sounds have had deliveries of some of their cheaper players, are they worth it?


RE: Pacific 750 faulty, what should I replace it with?

neilw (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th May 2002, 15:31

Asda do have a new one one there, I think it`s a Schneider.
It plays all discs, MP3`s and has a DD decoder.

Not sure about Multi-Region or Macro off though.

It`s £99.50.

Hope this helps.

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