Page 1 of Daewoo owners, please help!!

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Daewoo owners, please help!!

pak (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 17:35

As I live in France, neither the Scan, nor the wharfedale are available.
I can only purchase a Daewoo.
1°) Is there a bug with the rvb output (i cannot switch manually my 16/9 tv to rvb) ??
I own a tokai, and i change because the tokai is not rvb !!
2°) Is the image quality as good as scan ?
3°) Is the macro off ?
3a°) RCE ?
3b°) AllZone code works ?
4°) Problems with subtitles ?
5°) How can I guess the firmware version of the player before buying it (Perhaps watching the box as for the tokai) ?

Please, please, please answer !!!

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

Loz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 19:54

I`ve just taken my Daewoo back to Argos, it`s to worse, nicest player I`ve owned so far.

1-Looks lovely
2-Fast as a bat out of hell
3-Quiet drive
5-Multi-Region & Fixed

Now here’s the nasty part

Bloody awful picture, anything that’s moving is ok, but things in the background, specially dark areas pixelate and shimmer, and theres a mega amount of banding in shades. If this player had the picture quality then I would still have it now.

Please save yourself the grief and avoid the Daewoo, and why but an ugly SCAN when you could have a sexy Aiwa!

Try and Find the Aiwa XD-DV370, over here it’s only 10 pounds more, and a far superior player.

I’ve also owned a Wharfedale, but cos my TV’s silver I flogged it! And I’m still regretting it to this day! But I’m pleased with the Aiwa, but the Wharfedale still has the edge on picture quality but looses out due to the crap remote control, very noisy drive which you can hear ticking away whilst watching films.

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

pak (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 09:09

Well, there are few points:

The aiwa is impossible to find in France.
Neither the Whaferdale, nor the scan.

But, the daewoo is a DHC-2200 K and not a DQD ....
Does that mean it`s not the same player ? Or just that is the French code for this player ?
In fact, the DHC is availble in France since few weeks only (at the end of october). Hope that means it`s a brand new player with a great quality.
Many tests in french magazine have said that the DHC is the greatest player in France for the moment....

Is the bad image quality you`re talking about in RVB mode ?
Maybye it`s the same problem as the tokai (good image but in SVideo only, the scart output is awful)....

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

Gimp (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th November 2000, 22:02

Stay away from the Daewoo. The picture quality is awful. Clear banding is present, especially in any dark scenes or when smoke is present.

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

chunky (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 12:47

Well I`ve had my Daewoo (DHC) for a week or so now and I can`t fault the little silver beastie. I`ve tried a number of R1 & R2 discs and picture quality is not an issue (except on R1 Deep Blue Sea for some reason, I assume dodgy encoding).

Happy to report the hack works like a charm and, contrary to some reports, the macrovision disable is still available after bypassing the region check. I`m also glad to see that all regions can be selected (handy for any `tricky` titles :)

A friend with a Wharfedale couldn`t believe the speed and lack of noise from the unit, and as a bonus it looks ace next to all my other gear, unlike some players I can mention :)

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

nelley (Elite) posted this on Monday, 27th November 2000, 13:05

The current daewoo has all the problems the scan had a few months
back.The main ones bieng pixelattion and rgb output.

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

pak (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th November 2000, 14:22

nelley, are you talking about the DQD daewoo (uk version) or the DHC 2200 K (French one)...??? Same difference ?

chunky, do you use the rvb output ???
In fact, this is my question, i still don`t have any clear answer !!!
Is the rvb output effective ?
Can the tv input be set to rvb from the DVD ? (i cannot switch it on my tv)..
In a french magazine, i`ve read that this problem can be solved by pressing 2 times on the "rvb" setup of the player (because the tv take composite prior to rvb...) ?!?

Does the pixelattion problem can be solved (if there is one on the DHC) ?
(Firmware upgrade ???)

RE: Daewoo owners, please help!!

chunky (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 28th November 2000, 19:48

(I assume rvb = RGB)

I can confirm the RGB picture quality on my DHC-2200K is excellent, slightly better than s-video (although there`s not much in it).

Pixellation? I`ve noticed slight blocking during low contrast scenes (underwater in R1 Deep Blue Sea for example), but nothing major. I am going to test the 2 or 3 examples I have with other players to determine whether there is a slight problem, or whether I`m just being too picky and looking too hard :)

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