Page 1 of First time Home cinema buyer - Advice needed Package or separates???

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First time Home cinema buyer - Advice needed Package or separates???

si2002 (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 25th April 2002, 22:03

I am thinking of buying a cheap first home cinema solution but am totally confused. Basically I want to spend approx £200, and if possible want something that will also play Sky/TV through the speaker system as well as DVD`s. As far as I can tell I need a system that translates 2 channels to 6 but I am confused on DTS and Pro Logic whether the amp/speakers or the player should decode to 5.1??

Am I better off buying a separate speaker system and DVD player - If so what do need to look for as it seems not all speakers will connect to the TV or Sky box and play through all speakers.. or
Should I purchase a DVD speaker package, in this instance will the TV/sky box play through the AUX on the DVD through all speakers.??

I have seen reviews on this forum for videologic LC and novatech 510 speaker systems (approx £100) but am not sure if they will do what I want if I connect to a separate DVD. I have also seen packages such as the Grundig/Goodmans through Dixons/Comet at £199.

Any advice would be appreciated!!!

RE: First time Home cinema buyer - Advice needed Package or separates???

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th April 2002, 11:07

Right, systems such as the Novatech speaker package are simply amplifiers and speakers - to get surround sound from sources you need to decode the original sound source.
With DVD, you will find that most will be encoded in Dolby Digital 5.1 (DD5.1), or in DTS. This signal will generally be supplied as a digital "bitstream" from the DVD player.
An earlier form of decoding is Prologic, which provides surround sound from any stereo source (such as Sky, TV, video).

For all of these formats, you need something to decode the signal. Quite a few DVD players have on board decoders (usually only DD5.1, not DTS). These players will have 6 distinct phono outputs (front left & right, centre, surround left and right, plus subwoofer).
The alternative is to output the signal to an amplifier with in built decoder. These amplifiers will also generally decode prologic, too - new models have an improved version called Prologic2, which offers something closer to DD5.1.

However, if your budget is £200 for DVD player and surround sound equipment, you are unlikely to find much that will do everything that you ask. I don`t know much about some the the all in one systems you mention (Goodmans etc), but I recall a few threads recently where it transpires hey don`t decode prologic - I`m happy to be corrected, though!!

I think that for this budget, the best you can aim for is a DVD player plus speaker/amp that will allow you to plug other sources in and allow them to be heard in stereo. The Novatech speakers you mention have this facility, and have been well spoken of (we`re talking relatively, of course). Make sure the DVD player has the on board decoding (players such as the Cyberhome 528).

I guess the only other option is to look out for a "Comet special" all in one thing that does do the Prologic thang - but do make sure what ever you end up with can be made multiregion easily - most of the bargains around are to be found overseas!

If I were you, though, I`d be tempted to just buy yourself the DVD player, and save some pennies for something like the Yamaha VS10 - £280 - amp, decoder (DD5.1, DTS, Prologic) and speakers in a neat package.


RE: First time Home cinema buyer - Advice needed Package or separates???

umern (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th April 2002, 15:02

Agree with everything RichardH says.

I have an older Cyberhome M512 and the Novatech Speaker setup and for £200 it sounds great. I have plugged the TV into the speakers as well for the Stereo effect when watching normal TV or Video but off course this wont be true Pro Logic surround.

If you do watch a fair bit of TV/Video and need the Pro Logic badly then you will have to spend at least £300. Buy any decent £100 DVD player and spend £200 on the VideoLogic Digitheatre decoder and speaker kit. I understand that his has both Dolby Digital 5.1 and Pro Logic decoding on board.

The Videologic Digitheatre is at for £200. Most places are still asking £250 minimum for it. check out - they have a link to a number of reviews on the Digitheatre page.

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