Page 1 of Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Hardware Forum

Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Ricardo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 20:25

All those who think the Aiwa 370 rocks Sign below....Big up to The Duke, Jezebabes, Jimbo, Carrot Cruncher, Loz, Madmax, Biggms, lievn, Ali G, and all you others that wish to join the.....

!!!!! AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!

Please Note this thread is to unite all Aiwa Owners,and admirers NOT to slag off any other make of DVD...

!!!!! RESPECT !!!!!

(Your Name will be added to the above once you reply to this thread)

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 22:09

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Carrot Cruncher (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 20:33

As a proud MiCO owner I bow to the Aiwa.

MASSIVE respect.

To Hitachi Owners: You are not worthy to share the same web space as us guys!

Mico/Aiwa Rocks!!! but not necessarily in that order!

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Ricardo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 20:40

Big up to the Carrot Cruncher welcome to the MASSIVE....RESPECT

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 21:01

Right.. ah`ve jist aboot hud enuff of this!!

(See? ye`ve got me accent going and all!!)

Until further notice...the message is AIWA 370 ROCKS!!!!!!!
None of this massive respect stuff...

And leave the Duke`s Hitachi alone you blackguards!

He`s the man who BROUGHT the Aiwa to the fore!

Respect the DUKE!
Award him a knighthood!!

AIWA 370 ROCKS!!!!!!1

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Loz (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 21:05

Calm down boys, certainly it`s a fine player, but there is quite a lot of noticeable banding in the subtle hues of colours, especially on Commodus`s face as it comes into focus on chapter 14 in the Gladiator for example, which is far less noticeable on the old Wharfedale.
I`m not being bias, the only player I own is a Aiwa DV370, Just pointing out a fact.

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 23:21

And so the current flavour of the week is the Aiwa.

Haven`t we been here before with the Wharfedale ?

Watch the wheels drift off (no macrovision disable yet, then ?)

Good players stand the test of time. Encore 450, released May 2000. Been to hell and back, but still the reviewers` (note plural) choice.

The Aiwa may look like a silver dream machine, but I give it two weeks before we get threads saying "Aiwa doesn`t do this, doesn`t do that". Been there and done it with the 450, guys.

1970s Dr Who alien it might be, but I kinda like plodding along with me Encore and watching these new fads come and go. (Silver Encore 450 - pah! Can`t make s*** sparkle....)

The 450 still remains the only budget player to dole out component video - bit of a misnomer, cos if you can afford a projector, you gets a top whack player, dontcha ? Still, gives me something to boast about `cos the 450 does EVERYTHING else.

I`m talking to meself, aren`t I.........

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Ricardo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 23:37


Calm down now you`ll have yourself a hernia, In a previous thread (Ironduke R1 3 Kings o.k) you will see I have nothing but respect for the duke even if I did pull his leg at first. I do not agree with slagging off anyone`s DVD were all in it together and customers advice is always the best. The only reason I formed AIWA MASSIVE was to unite all AIWA owners just as the duke has done with his Hitachi boyz, hopfully then when new idea`s, hacks etc come forward we all can benifit.
Finally dukey invented the Aiwa 370 Rocks!!!!! so its time for a new signiture. So come on stand alone and be proud.

!!!!! AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 23:47

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

madmax (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 23:45

AIWA XD-DV370 ( to give it its full name ) is wicked, and gets my vote

Blackpool Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Ricardo (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2000, 23:51

Big up to Madmax thank`s for your support....Welcome to the !!!!! AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!


RE: Come Join !!!!!! THE AIWA MASSIVE !!!!!!!!

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 01:02

Well... guess we`re gonna go two ways here.."aiwa massive" certainly don`t cut it in my book..

And hernia? Really think I take this seriously?
Seriously enough to send anyone buying an Aiwa to a major competitor to my own store, hence putting them in a stronger position?
I think not...but I don`t agree with the sig.
You like it, you use it, np.

However banding on the 370?
My telly`s crap (re: 3 kings/fight club/dukey/other forum) and I have no sign of any picture irregularity`s whatsoever on mine.
On any disc so far, R1 or R2.

and for the time being `til I create that damned elusive website....

(quickly added edit..btw.. the Aiwa does component video too... does sub £200 qualify for budget? ::grin::)

AIWA 370 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

This item was edited on Thursday, 23rd November 2000, 01:05

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