Page 1 of Cyberhome 528, does it have DTS decoding ability? can you disbale macrovision?

Hardware Forum

Cyberhome 528, does it have DTS decoding ability? can you disbale macrovision?

Gillsfan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th February 2002, 15:57

Sorry for all the questions posted. Dont want to buy the wrong thing.

RE: Cyberhome 528, does it have DTS decoding ability? can you disbale macrovision?

cjrushbrook (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th February 2002, 09:38

Sorry to say but the answers are 1) No, 2) Not really.

I am a 528 owner and love my machine to pieces, but it does fall short in these two areas. It does output a DTS signal, but it will need decoding by an external decoder. As for macrovision, the only way to handle it so far is to get it chipped.

On all other fronts it`s pretty good, although I gather there are a lot of dud machines out there. No doubt someone will respond to this telling you to not waste your money and that it`s the worst machine ever made, but if you get a good`un I`d say it`s worth £100. However, if these features are imprtant to you, I think there are some other £100 machines that can disable macro (Dansai?), not sure about DTS though.

Any further cyberhome queries, check out the forum at

Hope this helps,


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