Page 1 of wharfedale 750s ....old kung fu movies

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wharfedale 750s ....old kung fu movies

mike allison (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th February 2002, 20:16

we are having a problem when playing vcd disks in this machine...the audio track is playing out of sync from the video track..but when i put disk into 750..they play perfectly....they also play perfectly in pc .....any suggestions to help combat this problem....please help asap



RE: wharfedale 750s ....old kung fu movies

gud1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 20th February 2002, 18:24

I have the same machine and i am having the same problem.
I have tried various disc brands and different recording software but no luck yet.

RE: wharfedale 750s ....old kung fu movies

jinxster (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st March 2002, 12:08

well i only have probs with a few vcd/svcd on mine, i can`t remember what button it is(I`m @ work) but if u press a button and pal/ntsc/auto apears on the screen u have found the right one.. I find setting it to Auto fixes most of the lip sync probs(apart from monsters Inc) I download many films but find it an arse to encode on a p2 350. ne donations would be nice athlon 1.8 gig prosessor would be nice ;)

More info email me : rekeesneila[at]moc.liamtoh



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