Page 1 of 2 scarts into 1. What is the best solution?

Hardware Forum

2 scarts into 1. What is the best solution?

nak99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 15:17


Common problem I know but if you only have a TV with one scart input (plus aerial) and you have a dvd and a video player that both output a scart lead each......... what is the current best/cheapest solution without having the go fiddling around the back as it were?



RE: 2 scarts into 1. What is the best solution?

petetiley (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th February 2002, 17:21

Argos sell a reasonable three way scart box. You can fire the DVD and video into the box, and then run good quality scart lead from the box into your set. Its about £10.00, and is RGB capable for good DVD pictures.


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