Page 1 of Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

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Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

nodrog (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 19th January 2002, 01:39

Recently got a Sony DAV 500 i bought a S-Video to Scart lead to connect up to my TV which has only one Scart socket.
This ended up with a black & white picture.
Can anyone help with this or am i stuck with the phono to phono with scart adaptor.

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

gingerone (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 19th January 2002, 14:01

Sounds like the scart on your tv is not s-video compatible, check your manual otherwise its composite only for you(using the phonos and the scart adaptor).
This is a drawback of your system I`m afraid!!

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

somebugger (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 12:55

On my TV (Thomson) you need to set the input to S-Video from the on-screen menu otherwise you get B&W, that might be your problem.

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 15:07

On the subject of the DAV 500 - what setup should you use to get the best possible picture quality. A mate of mine recently invested in one and is not sure how to connect it to his Philips 6006 t.v. - is it worth investing in an S-video to Scart connector or does this result in loss in picture quality? His Philips doesn`t have the `usual` S-video connector but instead has the white, yellow and red connectors at the side of his set... any help would be appreciated.

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 17:05

The white, red and yellow are 2 channel audio (white & red) and composite video (yellow) - the worst quality.
Best thing to do is get a SCART to svideo cable, rather than a svvideo lead plus a scart adapter. Try the BTech XS32 from (Hi-Fi Leads / S-Video Leads / B-Tech X Range) - £9.50 (plus VAT & carriage) -this will avoid extra connections, and the BTech cables are pretty good. This cable has the 2 phono input as well (I assume it`s input - guess it might be worth checking it`s not output, but I can`t imagine it would be), so you`ll get 2 channel audio into the TV too, if you juat wanted TV sound for any reason. They also do a pure SVID to SCART for a couple of quid less, if you don`t want to worry about audio.

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

handsome.b.wonderful (Elite) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 18:14

what`s the quality like from s-video to scart cables?

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

cjx (Competent) posted this on Monday, 21st January 2002, 20:13

I can recommend the s-video to scart lead that richard is talking about as I use it with my davs500.I could see a difference straight away

RE: Help please with connecting up Sony DAV 500

nodrog (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 23rd January 2002, 18:50

Thanks for your suggestions.
Unfortunatley i think i`m stuck with the phono-phono with scart adaptor(supplied with the system).

A friend suggested it might be the fact that it is a multiregion system and is unable to play in colour using the svideo-scart because of that ,any thought`s?

I found that if you need suggestions re connecting up to video,satellite,etc go to the web site ,go to products and they have loads of connectivity suggestions.

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