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LCD burn in?

buttoncup (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th October 2008, 00:31

hi all
i have been playing saints row 2 a bit the last few days and the health and money bar at that top right of the screen has burned in! >:(
i thought LCDs dont have that problem!
do you guys know of a fix?

live: buttoncup
psn: buttoncup

RE: LCD burn in?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th October 2008, 03:14

It`s called image persistence. There are a few programs that you can get to display a random sequence of colours on the screen to fix the stuck pixels. It can take a long time though.

RE: LCD burn in?

Kin (Competent) posted this on Monday, 20th October 2008, 03:27

From what I`ve read it is supposed to be possible if left with the same image long enough due to capacitance build up. Never seen it myself and I also thought it couldn`t happen. I`ve left these computers with the same backdrop day after day and no screen saver for up to eight hours at a time while I use a second one to read or play games and they`re both perfectly fine after years of use.

Anyway what I also read was it isn`t like plasma burn in where it ruins someone`s TV, if you let the capacitors drain it`s said it clears up. Apparently it said that in someone`s LCD TV manual which is corroboration of sorts. I suppose that means switch off the monitor at the plug for however long it takes. If you switch back on to see if the problem is fixed remember you`re starting again so don`t be impatient.

I found that reason and solution by googling LCD Burn in, I hope it helps.

(My guess at the duration, and it is just a guess based on how long I`ve seen capacitors hold a charge, would be days rather than hours)

This item was edited on Monday, 20th October 2008, 04:24

RE: LCD burn in?

badboybez (Elite) posted this on Monday, 20th October 2008, 14:28

I`ll be avoiding that game then!

RE: LCD burn in?

buttoncup (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st October 2008, 13:01

thing is its a very fun game!
anyhoo left the tv unpluged for 24hours and its still there! >:(
you said about a program to fix this? but i dont think its stuck pixles though.
i hope the tv is not runied as its a great set!

live: buttoncup
psn: buttoncup

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