Page 1 of Colour problems on Warfedale M5.

Hardware Forum

Colour problems on Warfedale M5.

Sarmad (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 31st December 2001, 14:34

I sometimes get colour problems on my M5. Character outlines turn blue/green and red, very much like I`m watching one of those old 3D movies. This doesn`t happen often, but it always happens on particular points of certain films. It`s particularly noticeable during parts of the pod-race sequence in "The Phantom Menace". I think it`s particular colour and/or movement combinations that bring rise to the strange colours. I think it happens when there`s a lot of movement in a well-lit scene, perhaps when there`s a big change from one frame to the next???

I tested this on this different TV`s but the problem persists.

Anytone else get this problem?



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