Page 1 of Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

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Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

LiGhTfasT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 12:55

now thats what i call service. i emailed them on thursday night got reply friday saying there testing the upgrade and recieved it today (saturday)

just tried a vcd with and works great, lipsync is fixed

comes on a cd-r and auto updates when u put it in...
great work Schneider

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

Chronic (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 15:14

Wow! Thats really cool! This is something I have been waiting for, for what seems like aeons! :) I am sure others will be equally pleased!

Any chance of Imaging up the CD and posting it somewhere?? so we can all be jubulant!

Great one


RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

LiGhTfasT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 16:31

ok i will make a image of it in nero and clonecd, will post it later

should work but if ya dvd player explodes dont hold me responsible :) ill put the instructions in it will the zip

should be up soon

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

LiGhTfasT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 16:56 upgrade.ace

thats the clonecd image, dont have nero installed at the minute so cant make that image, tell us if you want any other image i will try and make one...

the name of the cd should be called UPDATE and should have only one file in it called BANK30.ROM

cant try it cause my dvds uptodate but should be fine

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

Chronic (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 17:48

Hey Thats really cool LightFast!

I will not hold you responsible what so ever no worries!

Will be interesting anyway! let you know how I get on!


RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

mickymcd2 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 17:53

good news have u got there email adress or telephone number for me to contact them for a cd many thanks

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

LiGhTfasT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 18:25

yeh heres the email addy from one of the guys
reply if that cd image i put up works...

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

Chronic (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 19:21

Yeah this is great! I upgraded the ROM no problems!! I aint tested a VCD yet! but assuming yours is fine mine will be I guess.. will test one tonight..

Interesting notes are as follows... basic info about the archived file I downloaded... Well I did not have clonecd so I had to use WinImage type program called ISObuster to remove the bank30.rom from the archive. I then just did a standard iso burn with Nero onto a blank CDR.. this appears to have worked fine!

about the bank30.rom... I loaded it into notepad out of interest and found screen printable text refering to secret menu 1 (eg secret 1 code 0 code 1 etc etc ) but also reference to secret 2.. Could this be the macrovision on / off menu?? Well assuming that its going to be the same procedure to access this menu as menu 1 then I think I will be staying up late tonight for a bit of brute forcing! :)

all the best

God bless you LightFast!


RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

LiGhTfasT (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 8th December 2001, 23:39

hehe no problem mate :)

RE: Schneider DVD 855 - I got the upgrade CD it works!!!!! :D

Subbie (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th December 2001, 15:09

Thanks the cd seems to have worked. What version number should it read now? I can`t remember what it was originally but the DVD player didn`t blow up which is a good thing :)

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