Page 1 of 16:9 problem on Warfedale M5

Hardware Forum

16:9 problem on Warfedale M5

Sarmad (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th December 2001, 15:28

I have a Toshiba 4:3 ratio TV which I`m running my Warfedale DVD player on.

The problem is when I use the 16:9 function on my TV to compress the 4:3 picture to widescreen format, while playing DVD, I get a distict line on the lower part of the picture, just where the TV-added black bars separate from the actual picture from the DVD. When this 16:9 function is switched off (normal mode), I assume that this line is still there but I don`t see it because the decompressed picture pushes it off-screen. Anything else where I use this function (TV, VCR, Satellite) doesn`t give this problem. This line appears with most discs (especially "Gladiator" and "Phantom Menace") either throughout the whole film or only certain parts of the film. You don`t get necessarily get it on the menu screens.

What I`m trying to do is rather than selecting 4:3 on the setup of my DVD player so it automatically transmits a widescreen picture to my TV, I select 16:9 so a vertically stretched picture comes to my TV. Then I use 16:9 function on my TV to recompress it back to correct ratio. The picture quality is greatly improved this way.....but as a compromise I have to suffer this annoying line at the lower portion of my screen. Does anyone else get this problem? Is the problm with my TV, DVD player, or what?



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