Page 1 of Help with RGB!

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Help with RGB!

Stuart Burton (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th October 2000, 10:17

I need help here! I`ve got a Tosh 32WD98B widescreen TV with a Pioneer 515 DVD(region 2 player modified for code free). Up until recently I`ve been using Scart 1 (the RGB one) with my Sky digibox. I thought it`d be better to use this for my DVD player so I`ve switched them round. When playing a region 1 disk, everything is fine but on region 2 I get a loss of vertical resolution (you can see vertical lines and it looks awful).....I can`t find anything in the menu`s on either the TV or the DVD to fix this.

Any ideas?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 24th October 2000, 10:29

RE: Help with RGB!

Stuart Burton (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th October 2000, 12:08

I found the answer myself guys. Apparently the 515 doesn`t have RGB output. Oh well.... I`d upgrade but I recently bought the Pioneer LC10 portable which is fab - but that`s my DVD cash spent for the rest of the year!

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