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Hardware Forum

Macrovision Bypass Kit?

GoggsieW (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 01:10

I read somewhere (possibly on here) that there was a piece of kit available that takes out the Macro signal. I think it was about £29. Anyone know the site its available on, and if it works!!


RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 07:12 - basicvally a (very) modified scart lead. Called a Macromaster - doesn`t specifically state that it removes Macrovision (cos they might get had up for that), but the things it describes as removing arew the symptoms of Macrovision. Reports here have been excellent (not used it myself, though).

RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 10:21

I`ve had the one from for years now - has been very good - of course I only use it because my projector doesn`t like the macrovision signal - of course I don`t copy things to video ! ;)

RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

memento (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 23rd October 2001, 16:35

The Macromaster from Sonel Is excellent. I have owned one for little over a year and have had no problems with it. It works with a number of things aswell as dvd players, Videos and Sky digital movie channels(The Box Offices to be precise)

Hope this helps.


RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 00:56

Either credit/debit card from or cheque to

All the reports I`ve had at Area 450 have been excellent.

RE: Macrovision Bypass Kit?

GoggsieW (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 24th October 2001, 01:39

Thanks y`all.......................


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