Page 1 of Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

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Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

memento (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 1st October 2001, 19:14

I currently own an orion dvd2000 which included in its multi region hack is the abillity to select the type of playback, what i am wondering is is this unique? I ask because i donot have a tv that can handle ntsc(grits teeth in anger) and being a student cant really afford to buy both a new dvd player and a telly. So if you can help me please do, it will be gratefuly appreciated.

RE: Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 1st October 2001, 19:25

Wharfedale M5 £150 from Tesco`s.

Can you not connect via SCART and ask the Orion to bang an RGB signal along it (assuming your telly has an RGB enabled socket) ? If so, PAL/NTSC is not an issue....

RE: Can any one tell me what machines have pal ntsc selection capabilities?

memento (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 2nd October 2001, 11:26

That is all very good and well but how? I am not as well versed in the world of cables and stuff, yet i know most things technical, but this has stumped me.

Please explain, but as far as i know i dont think i can make the orion use rgb, well i dont know if i can.
Is this rgb route the best way to go for most machines? Will this stop any lag? I am experiencing lag from the machine compressing the ntsc signal into pal, but i just thought i would have to put up with it. My current set up is a scart to s-video cable with an av cable to supply the colour and sound.

Any help would be great, thanks.

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