Page 1 of Slimline Technika DVDR 2005
Hardware Forum
My parents bought a technika DVDR from Tesco recently. It recordes fine and play back is good but when playing a bought dvd there`s a problem with the sound. They get some sound but not character speech....I`m sure there`s a simple explanation but can anyone help?
had same problem with 5 recorders then i gave up with the brand and are now looking for a new recorder
This problem is due to the fact that this DVD player is factory set to play Surround Sound - with the analog audio output set at 5.1 CH. You need to change this to normal stereo setting, which is 2 CH, (if you are not playing it through a surround sound system) as some DVDs are recorded with the surround sound facility. Change settings via the System Setup as follows:
1. Switch on the DVD player and remove any disc that may be in the drawer.
2. Press `setup` on the remote control for System Setup.
3. Enter the Playback Settings (the second option down).
4. Select Audio Output option (last option down) and change 5.1 CH to 2 CH (the only other option!)
5. Press Return on the remote until you exit all menus - all pre-recorded DVDs should now play without any problem with dialog sound/character speech.