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to mitch316

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 8th September 2001, 13:20

had the engineer out on friday and he proved to me beyond all doubt that there is nothing wrong with mi philips.
he is coming back with some fancy remote control doohickey to move my picture across to the right by about 1/4".
he showed me all kinds of transmission faults and other stuff.all in all he was here about an hour,a really nice guy.i even showed him this website and peoples comments about my telly.
hope this puts you right.

p.s. bin made 2 eat mi words again,`not accepting no repairs`,big mouthed tossa i am!

RE: to mitch316

mitch316 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th September 2001, 13:58

cheers mate but how did he prove there was nothing wrong with the tv?

RE: to mitch316

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th September 2001, 15:22

by showing me just how bad broadcast tv can be.i have no problem with dvd,or video.but some tv broadcasts are not very well put together.fer instance,some football/sports broadcasts are not widescreen,so during broadcast area`s of the pitch are cloned to give width to the picture,this is supposed to be invisible to the naked eye,but i can see it.
if tghis is a load of bollox and i`ve been duped please let me know.

RE: to mitch316

mitch316 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 9th September 2001, 17:39

my problem only seems to be with sky.on dvd,video and games its fine.
i did read on one site sbout the guns overfiring but if thats the case surely all sources would be affected? anyway i think i hold on for the momment and call out an enginner if it gets worse.

thanx for the help mate

RE: to mitch316

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 9th September 2001, 17:58

apparantly sky is the worst,its all down to how it gets broadcast.
if its fine with games,dvd,video etc as mine is there is nothing an engineer can do.he can move the picture if you like but you lose out then on the othert side of the coin,as it where.

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