Page 1 of Use of Scart and phono leads - Help!

Hardware Forum

Use of Scart and phono leads - Help!

SimonMac (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 21:13

I have connected my DVD player to my TV using the RGB scart socket. In addition I have also connected the DVD to my stereo amplifier using phono leads via the AUX input on the amp.
The above coonections are as per the instruction book supplied with the DVD player.
However, whenever the DVD is switched on (disc playing or not) the sound from the TV program selected prior to switching the DVD player on can be faintly heard through the loudspeakers.

Is the DVD player at fault or have I got my wires crossed?

RE: Use of Scart and phono leads - Help!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd August 2001, 22:39

"Wires crossed" (heh) is about right. Most TVs output the audio from the tuner on pins 1 and 3 of the SCART socket. Unfortunately this seems to be "leaking through" to your DVD player`s audio output.

The solution is simple - just open up the plug at the TV end of the SCART cable, and cut the wires leading to pins 1 and 3. This will cure your problem in a flash. See this page if you`re unsure of which pin is which:


RE: Use of Scart and phono leads - Help!

SimonMac (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 24th August 2001, 12:52

Thanks Mike

Just out of interest is this a feature of all DVD players or down to individual makes of machine?

RE: Use of Scart and phono leads - Help!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th August 2001, 17:41

It`s down to the individual model of player, and is a consequence of poor design.


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