Page 1 of Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

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Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

Joe McEwan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 13:39

I am considering buying this region one player as it is very cheap. However, the seller says that the only catch is that the laser needs re-aligning. Will this be costly considering that it is region 1 and what are the chances of me just buying a duff player? Thanx!

RE: Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

Westy (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 16:47

Hi Joe,

Personally,i`d give this one a wide berth.First its not in perfect working order,and secondly there are now a lot of really good budget players on the market that must be within your price range.
The Minato g1 from Tesco,Cyberhome 512,Wharfedale m5....i could go on and on!
Also worth noting is that if you are eventually going to use the Panny for home cinema use,it doesn`t support dts.It was one of the first players on the market,back when dts was still in its infancy on the dvd format.
So with the above points in mind,i urge you to be extremely cautious about this purchase!!


RE: Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

shnozzer (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 17:30

hi joe,i back westy up,broken is broken is don`t say how cheap it is but for a little more you can get a player brand new and warrented.

RE: Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

Joe McEwan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 18:05

Hi and thanks for your replies. I want a genuine Region 1 player so that I can buy discs from the USA and play them with no problems. I am willing to spend up to £120, the reason I am interested in the Panasonic is because it is only £50.
Can you direct me to some good retailers of R1 players?


RE: Panasonic A110 cheap DVD player - can I trust?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 8th August 2001, 20:58


You don`t need a genuine US player - a chipped or hacked UK player with *manual* (not auto!) region select will serve *exactly* the same purpose. (The RCE protection you may have heard about only affects players with auto region selection.)

If you can set your player to region 1 via the remote, then it`s no different from a player that was region 1 out of the box. It`s impossible to make a disc that can tell the difference.

Hope this helps...


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