Page 1 of LG 4750 vs SONY DVP-NS400 Which is best

Hardware Forum

LG 4750 vs SONY DVP-NS400 Which is best

steve denny (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 07:00

Both have similar specs but very different prices. The 2 features of main importance are picture and sound quality, with the ability to play R1 discs.
Also can anyone recommend a good suppleir, on the verge of buying from TECHTRONICS

All the best

RE: LG 4750 vs SONY DVP-NS400 Which is best

Stoney (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th July 2001, 09:01


I have just ordered a LG3350e from dabs for a knockdown price of £175!!, It uses the Ziva4 chipset which the new line of LG players use, it will play all region disks, RCE without any disk swapping, CDR/CDRW/VCD and has an on board dolby decorder too. To convert to MR & VCD is a simple remote hack (the remote is also the best iv seen with glow in dark buttons and a jog shuttle ring).

For more info on this and teh newer models chk this excellent site out

hope this helps

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