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Shipping to Isle of Man?

MikeA (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th July 2005, 12:36

I`ve just spent my lunchtime trying to find somewhere I can buy a multiregion Sony RDRHX510S from. RGB looked good, but they deliver to mainland only. Same story with the next two places I tried. All very apologetic, blaming couriers etc, but not much use to me.

Can anyone suggest a retailer that actually delivers players to the `back of beyond` I`m clearly from???


RE: Shipping to Isle of Man?

iom_Chris (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 25th July 2005, 18:55

Hi Mike,

A quick search on Google brings up this one on Tesco`s website.

They say free delivery, might be worth a shot.

Where did you try and order from previously (believe me, trying to find cheap postage to the island is a nightmare)?

Hope this helps,


This item was edited on Monday, 25th July 2005, 19:59

RE: Shipping to Isle of Man?

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 25th July 2005, 23:01

I very much doubt if that`s a multi-region machine. Mainstream retailers such as Tesco usually sell only (unmodded) region 2 versions of the big name brands.

RE: Shipping to Isle of Man?

MikeA (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 26th July 2005, 07:40

Thanks for the replies.

Chris, I used Techtronics for my last machine - no problems there but they seem to have gone toes up! Damn shame. I followed a few links from a Google search. Can`t remember the names of the places that refused to post to here. will do it for £25 extra, but the unit price is higher than elsewhere. Might have to go for it, though.

My browser is having trouble with Tesco`s website. I`ll check it out again later, but it will have to be modded, and I think nice1 is right, doubtful Tesco do that. Thanks for the link.

I`ve got too many thumbs to work a soldering iron accurately, so I`m resricted to buying pre-modded. :)


RE: Shipping to Isle of Man?

MikeA (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th July 2005, 07:15

Hey Chris,

Finally ordered from Same unit price as RGB + multiregion, extra £20 postage but I can live with that. They seem like a big company but can`t say I`ve heard of them before. Guess time will tell!


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