Page 1 of VR and Video Modes
Hardware Forum
I just want to know what is the difference between these two modes. Is VR only relevant when using DVD-RW discx?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, VR is a format that allows editing. Even though the industry states that it is compatible with the majority of players the reality seems to be much less.
If it ain`t broke hit it harder
Damn Nicotine
As a rule of thumb-
if you want to use the DVD-RW on another machine or transferit`s contents to your PC for editing, using VIDEO mode
if you just want to use the discs in the one machine and use them like video tapes (i.e. record-watch-erase-etc..etc.) then go for VR mode. VR mode also allows on disc editing.
A lot of DVd drives in PC`swill read discs created in VR mode, but it`s far from universal