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Help needed in connecting My Panasonic DMR E55 TO Sky + and VCR

saintsfan (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st July 2005, 19:11

Can anybody please help me out in connecting my Panasonic E55 up to my Phillips TV (has 2 scart connections) I also want to connect sky + and my VCR. I am not sure which way the scart leads and the aerial leads go from each piece of hardware to each other.


RE: Help needed in connecting My Panasonic DMR E55 TO Sky + and VCR

Brooktop (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 5th July 2005, 11:06

scart is usually 2 way. unless you want to connect to your tv via the rf lead, I`d guess (from memory) your options are:

Sky to E55 AV2 via scart (AV2 is RGB capable)
E55 AV1 to TV via scart

Not quite sure why you would want the VCR hooked up to the E55 - other than to drop VCR`s onto DVD, in which case you could swap the leads when you want to do this. You could channel the VCR straight to the TV, either to the spare scart socket or via RF.
Your other option is to get a scart switcher and put Sky and VCR into that and then to AV2.

Of course, if your TV is capable of taking component, you ought to be using the component output on the E55 for a superior picture (but it doesn`t carry sound!)

RE: Help needed in connecting My Panasonic DMR E55 TO Sky + and VCR

Phil Russell (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 7th July 2005, 13:42

I have set up to put videos on the DVD. My TV allows me to select a `monitor` function whereby the DVD records what is on screen at the time. I then just start to play the video (connected via a scart to the TV) and record on DVD via another scart from the TV.
I guess this route depends on your TV having 2 scarts. I just have to remember to switch the TV settings back from `monitor` after the recording. My normal setting is to record the DVB channels on the TV (it has a built in digital tuner)
Cheers, Phil

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