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Hardware Forum

Panny or Cambridge Audio

eddweed (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 23rd April 2005, 21:44

Just after some advice please as I can`t make up my mind whether to go for the Panasonic DMRES10 or the Cambridge Audio DVD57+RWI. Has anyone had or know of any reliability issues with any of these two or would you recommend something different alltogether.

RE: Panny or Cambridge Audio

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 23rd April 2005, 22:27

panny 100%, a friend of mines gone through 3 cambridge recorders & eventually got a panny E55 which so far has been trouble free :)

edit= doh, he didn`t get the panny cos they where actualy out of stock, he ended up with an lg (hard drive model) no problems so far.

general nobody @ known as theogster

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th April 2005, 11:52

RE: Panny or Cambridge Audio

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 24th April 2005, 09:38

Just after some advice please as I can`t make up my mind whether to go for the Panasonic DMRES10 or the Cambridge Audio DVD57+RWI.

Like saying should I drink p*** or beer, ( does not apply to Australians,they cant tell the difference :) :) )

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th April 2005, 10:43

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