Page 1 of How would you connect IDTV/Sky/DVD-R

Hardware Forum

How would you connect IDTV/Sky/DVD-R

philth (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 20:27

Considering buying a new TV and for prices that are out there some of the IDTV`s are comparing quite favourably(also in case I ever do finish with Sky)
Plus it also means that I can record from the IDTV signal and still watch Sky if I ever need to(rather than having to record from standard analogue signal if I want to watch a Sky channel as I do now)

Problem is though to do with the last bit, currently I have Sky->E55->TV, the TV/E55 also have an RF connection so if need be I can record analogue channel on E55 and watch Sky on the TV via RF channel instead. If I was to get an IDTV how would they all connect up, I can`t work out how if the setup is still Sky->E55->TV how I would be able to say record an IDTV channel on the E55 yet watch Sky on the TV? Or is the only solution a 3 scart IDTV with the Sky video scart connected to a spare on the TV?

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