Page 1 of Toshiba DVD or VCR kit - can`t find any of it in the shops - why ??

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Toshiba DVD or VCR kit - can`t find any of it in the shops - why ??

Chris Reay (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 17:40

I`m currently checking out the possibility of changing my existing Wharfedale 750S DVD for the new Toshiba SD210E from Upgrade Heaven, but just before I parted with my hard earned cash I though it would be nice to try and see it in the flesh and maybe get a demo.

Now I know its brand new and may not be available in many shops yet, but I thought I`d have a scout around on the off chance that I found one.

What I found after trawling Dixons, Currys, Comet, Courts and several independants was a great big nothing - not a single Toshiba DVD or VCR unit anywhere, oh except for an old SD100E in the back of Comet store that seriously looked like it had been in a motorway pile up !!

So although I`m not interested in buying from a high street retailer, as I want the Multi-region, RCE compatability and good customer service you all rave about from HCH, but where has all the Tosh kit gone ??

Is there something I should know ??

has the world of electrical retailing gone off Toshiba or is it just a slow period for them stock wise ??

Any ideas welcome



RE: Toshiba DVD or VCR kit - can`t find any of it in the shops - why ??

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 24th May 2001, 18:31

Toshiba are in the middle/at the start of releasing their new players. Its more than likely that stores are holding off ordering any of the old players.

The 210 is currently on sale in MVC (well it was about 3 weeks ago).

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