Page 1 of Home theatre projector sugestions please...

Hardware Forum

Home theatre projector sugestions please...

WelshTom (Competent) posted this on Monday, 7th February 2005, 15:23

Hi there,

I am concidering buying a projector for the house to watch my dvd`s on, but have a few problems. Firstly I know very little about them, and secondly am on a budget of around £600. I have had a look around and should be able to pick up a 1600 lumens projector for that money, will that be ok, or will I have to close all the curatins every time I want to watch TV?

Also, what els do I need to look for? I know that the refresh rate is quite important, as I beleive is the contast ratio? Anything els I need to look for? Can anyone recomend the minimum values of these I should be looking for?



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