Page 1 of Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder timer problem?

Hardware Forum

Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder timer problem?

MShortley (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th January 2005, 10:14


New to the forum, so please excuse me if this has already been discussed,
but I didn`t find it.

Have just bought one of the these recorders, and are generally happy with it.
I have noticed that the time on the box seems to gain about 1-2 mins per day.
Anyone else had this problem -- if not, I`ll go back to Dixons and get them
to replace the unit with another one.


RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder timer problem?

harveyvan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 12th January 2005, 13:42

I`ve just checked mine for the first time time since setting it up shortly before Christmas (using a radio-controlled clock). It appears to have gained three-and-a-half minutes during that period -- around 20 days -- which is a lot less than you`re seeing.

FWIW, I`m surprised that all boxes don`t automatically set their own time: even my cheap VHS synched itself daily with a signal from (I think) the BBC.

RE: Matsui DVDR 100 Recorder timer problem?

Billyflash (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 12th January 2005, 14:09

Had mine up and running since Christmas Day. Time keeping all ok

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