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PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

JoeS (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 31st December 2004, 10:30

Without meaning to further the much discussed and emotive blank disc debate.
I have had a E55 for 3 days and recorded on the Panny Ram discs after a few plays (3-4) the pixels appear to be breaking up slightly during movement.
The recordings were made from RGB /Sky and appeared perfect on the first play.
Is this likely to be a "dodgy disk" problem or something more serious.
The discs are perfect and not scratched in any way and only been in and out of the machine 2 to 3 times.
Whilst writing what is the general view on the quality of dvd video playback is it as good for example as my old TOSHIBA 220.
Any help or comments would be appreciated before I speak to Sevenoaks Hi Fi

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

Paull (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st December 2004, 11:36

Whilst writing what is the general view on the quality of dvd video playback is it as good for example as my old TOSHIBA 220.

The playback on the E55 is excelent. It has progressive scan & Component out.

The first question, are you watching the same programme again & again, & seeing a difference, or are you recording different recordings & the disc is getting progressivly worse?

What make of discs are you using? What recording quality are you using?

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

phelings (Elite) posted this on Friday, 31st December 2004, 13:50

The blank disc problems relating to Panasonic have always been with -R discs.RAM are never usually any trouble at all

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

JoeS (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st January 2005, 10:57

In response to Paull
It could be a case of watching the programme (by the way noticed on 3 to 4 seperate recordings of different types of programme) again and again and seeing a difference.
I copied The Shameless Christmas special and then edited out the commercials (for fun) and noticed some lip sync problems.
I copied some MTV videos and noticed the pixel breakup on certain videos after repeat play this was also evident on a copy of "Nighty Night" from BBC 3.
My first thoughts that the discs were getting progressively worse however I am not sure this is the case and after your comments is more likely the case that the "original signal "and therefore recording may not of been as perfect as first thought.
I am using Panasonic DVDRAM own brand (any advice on others as on a quick internet search Panny own brand at £19.99 for 10 seem a good bet) and recording at SP.

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

OlManRivah (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 1st January 2005, 22:44

At SP, using Panny media, there should be no problems. Try viewing several commercial DVD`s using the machine to make sure hook up leads are OK. I suspect either a lead problem or possibly a defective machine. There is no better quality media than DVD-RAM. It is the most robust of the media and should last the longest.

Make sure the leads are good and tight at all ends.

My E55 records great, even at EP. I normally use LP, with no problems.

Country Boys Can survive!

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 1st January 2005, 23:11

it`s definately not a lead problem, that couldn`t cause the pixelation (unless it`s at source, but still very doubtfull) it sounds like an encoding problem :/ but that would only make sense if it had been there since the first playing, again very odd, especially if recording in 2 hour mode (& still Very rare at 4hr mode) a dodgy disc could explain it, even a dodgy batch, but again, it`d be very odd for it to happen on more than one disc, out of interest can you`re pc read ram discs ? if so look to see if the problem ocurrs when watching them back in the pc, the only other things i can suggest is to format all the ram disc`s and see if the problem persists, also try a different brand of disc (don`t think this is the issue tho tbh) & is it Definatly not happening with -r media ? only the ram discs are giving the probs ?

general nobody @ and now for all things X-BOX

This item was edited on Saturday, 1st January 2005, 23:13

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

OlManRivah (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 21:51

This happened to me recently. I was recording various shows on DVD-RAM and for some reason one started this pixalating. It apparently was done during recording. The show before it was OK and the ones after it OK. I was adding a show to a pre-recorded DVD-RAM that still had a show left on it.

Once in awhile when I first load a disc, my E55 won`t recognize it. I reload it and everything is OK. I think it`s caused by a sloppy load by me. If that disc isn`t sitting correctly in the tray it can cause problems. My computer, and my other DVD player, do the same thing once in awhile.

This failure IMHO, may be caused by this. That laser has to hit the target just right. It would be interesting to see if it ever happens while using the Caddy. I don`t have any Caddies.

Country Boys Can survive!

RE: PanasonicDMRE55- DVDRAM problems

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 5th January 2005, 22:34

It would be interesting to see if it ever happens while using the Caddy. I don`t have any Caddies.

i only use my ram disc in the caddy (the original disc, supplied with the machine over three years ago) and have never had any probs, however this may not be relevent as my machine is an older model (DMR-E30)

general nobody @ [b]and now" target="_blank">

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