Page 1 of Sound Packed up on my Mustek DVD-V600 R

Hardware Forum

Sound Packed up on my Mustek DVD-V600 R

ELVIS (Competent) posted this on Monday, 27th December 2004, 07:40

As of Boxing day,and putting in a new Star Wars dvd to watch, I have no sound at all from my Mustek Home cinema system,the Dvd picture plays ok but with no sound,either from the built in amplifier or even through the TV.

I have checked and reset all the cables wires and settings but nothing comes out of the speakers,

I bought the machine from E-Buyer about 18 months ago,any ideas what I could do,I have emailed E-Buyer product support but I dont suppose there is anyone there,
I cant even just use the machine as a player as I still get no sound through the TV speakers,I have tried by using scart and the analogue out but still no sound.

Are there any cheap bargains out there in the sales ??

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