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NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

Flip MArtian (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 18:45

I have bought a pre-recorded NTSC format VHS tape from the States (not available over here). At the moment as I`m dubbing all my old VHS to DVDs, the VCR (which can handle NTSC ok) is plumbed into the Panny E85 and then onto the TV (which can also display NTSC ok.

Problem is playing the tape in this way results in a black bar near the bottom of the screen output with what looks like the very top of the screen output being repeated just under the black bar! The tape and the VCR themselves are fine - I unplugged the E85 and the VCR plays the tape perfectly well on the TV. So it must be the E85 then. I messed around in the E85`s settings and switched it to NTSC, played the tape through it...and got a full screen image ok (no black bar) but it was in black and white with odd vertical colour bars! So that`s not the answer!

I recorded both versions for posterity and they record exactly as described

Any ideas? Is the Panny E85 just not capable of handling an NTSC tape signal?

Any help from those more knowledgeable gratefully accepted (please!)!

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 18:47

RE: NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 21:44

Panasonic dvd recorders can only record a pure NTSC picture.UK vcr`s output NTSC in the compromise PAL 60,which is not pure NTSC.This is why your Panasonic dvdr will not record it.Only Pioneer and Philips DVDR can record PAL 60.
Even if you have (or get) a true multistandard vcr that outputs pure NTSC,copy protection on the VHS may cause problems without a special lead from K T Vision or Sonel

RE: NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

Flip MArtian (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 22:34

Thanks Phelings. I have a KTVision lead - I used it when trying out recording it (and getting the same picture distortion as on playback). My VCR is just a cheap Sanyo hire shop model I`ve had for about 3 years so I guess its outputting PAL 60 as you say.

As long as the video works when straight to TV I suppose that`s something. Would have been nice to have a DVD backup for convenience though...!

RE: NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

Andy Larkin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 10th December 2004, 09:37

I have had the same problem with my Panny E30 - now I know the exact reason why - thanks Phelings. Luckily most of my NTSC videos have been old black and white movies so that is not a problem. Will have to replace my colour ones with DVD versions I suppose.


RE: NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

phelings (Elite) posted this on Friday, 10th December 2004, 21:46

Or get a new dvdr

RE: NTSC video through a Panny DMR E85=distorts pic?

Flip MArtian (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 11th December 2004, 01:36

Not really an option for me in the immediate future... :-)

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