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Philips 610 & the new update

logic (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 22:45

Has anyone done the latest update from the philips site (13/oct). The problem i am having now, after the update, is the machine keep going to the AV channel then back again. It only does it for a second but its anoying. I can do it 10 times in a few minutes or once in an hour. There is no patten to it. Anyone had similar problems and cured it. I did take the scart lead out of the TV and it stopped switching. But to me that is not an option. Thx in advance. Sam

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th October 2004, 23:20

Try removing\disabling pin 14 on the SCART, theres a switching\control voltage on that.

If Mac users are "more intelligent than the average computer user," why do they need an operating system designed for complete idiots?

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

kdmcmullan (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st October 2004, 18:46

Dunno if this has anything to do with the new update ornot, but when the clocks went back an hour last night, rather than losing an hour, my DVDR610 gained itself 15 minutes.

Bloody good trick, eh? :/

Is it just me?

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists on other planets is that none of it has come to visit us.

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

peja99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st October 2004, 19:14

I lost 30 minutes on mine! Had to manually enter the time again to correct it.

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

peja99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 10:19

My clock problems have continued. I see it has an unexplained feature called Smart clock. SInce the end of BST I find that the clock is out each morning. Entering the correct details seems to correct it, but it fails again at some point, screwing up the timer recordings. The last 2 mornings have shown a gain of 30 minutes, accurate to the second,

Anybody else seen this?

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 10:52

I have got a old Philips matchline Nicam VHS recorder the clock suffers from the same 30 min + problem, I set it manualy and that seems to cure it,until the next time.

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

abay710 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 3rd November 2004, 19:18

Has anyone else noticed that since the 13th October update that when you change channel on the tuner that it no longer shows PDC anymore, nor does the channel name scroll along the display of the recorder any more?

Any ideas when this has been changed?

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

peja99 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th November 2004, 12:37

The detailed info in the banner was removed in the first firmware update. The information previously was unreliable, but rather than fix it it was presumably easier to conceal the info so the errors could not be seen!

nb PDC did not seem to work correctly, anyway. On some PDC channels a message showed long after the timed recording had completed, suggesting that the PDC signal had not been picked up. I gave up using this feature.

I can not get to the bottom of the clock error problems. It is now consistently 30 minutes ahead (to the second) each morning. Nor does it seem to correct itself from the TV signal (as it seems to at other times). Once it is manually corrected it updates correctly for the rest of the day. The error can not be produced manually by setting various times and dates, and Philips have not replied to me. Does anyone know where it gets it time from when it updates automatically?

This item was edited on Thursday, 4th November 2004, 12:42

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

twig_insect (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th November 2004, 16:53

Thanks for the warning about this update!

In answer to the question
Does anyone know where it gets it time from when it updates automatically?
It picks it up from data placed in picture lines which are not displayed (cf teletext, PDC, subtitles)

RE: Philips 610 & the new update

oxfordsquareeyes (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 7th November 2004, 14:59

still waiting for the update from philips for my 610 but this afternoon my time just gained 30 mins anit got a clue why so i had to manually set it to the right time?

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