Page 1 of Allright you JVC hackers...HELP!
Hardware Forum
I have a JVC DVD player - XV-511(bk), serial #: 144Lxxxx. I have a HP 9100 cd burner, and I use Maxell 700mb cd-rs. I have converted all my old 8mm tapes into video discs, which my dvd can play, if they are bought. I need to know what to do, which jumper to cut, etc, so i can use cd-rs in my dvd player. The thing can`t even read a music cdr! I think it is because of the little bar code like marking on the clear center part of the disc. The cdrs don`t have that, so i`m assuming thats the problem. PLEASE help! email -> 72_4_edir[at]moc.liamtoh, thanx!
RE: Allright you JVC hackers...HELP!
Nope, it`s because your JVC has a single laser pickup actually.
You can snip jumpers to your heart`s content, you won`t enable CDR playback.
Only way to do it is replace the laser assembly with a dual laser.
Or just buy yerself an Aiwa 370, now available once again! :o)
AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!!
RE: Allright you JVC hackers...HELP!
I don`t think thats all it... If i use a normal cd, with that bar code scratched out, it ejects it as if it were a cd-r. My dvd needs that code to play...
RE: Allright you JVC hackers...HELP!
then draw one on the CDR