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Hardware Forum

Can anyone recommend some decent headphones?

Gaz Kitch (Elite) posted this on Monday, 6th September 2004, 16:46

I am looking to get some decent headphones (for under £50.00) for my newly accquired Mp3 player. Any ideas?


"It`s better to burn out ......than fade away"

RE: Can anyone recommend some decent headphones?

gary white (Competent) posted this on Monday, 6th September 2004, 17:40


Richer Sounds

Under £20

Brilliant headphones

look no further.

Gary :) :) :)

Since I posted the above it has been pointed out to me that perhaps you are looking for
the smaller phones.

these are definately not small phones


This item was edited on Monday, 6th September 2004, 19:09

RE: Can anyone recommend some decent headphones?

Timezone (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 7th September 2004, 09:16

Hey Gaz

Got some Sennheiser PX200 headphones from here:

They are pretty damn fine, so fine that I can crank my mini disc up to full knacker and not disturb a soul! There is very little peripheral noise from these fine beauties and you get a cool case to keep em all safe and sound. A bargain at £34 inc delivery I reckon, but maybes you can get em cheaper elsewhere?

The best in this range are available at Richer:

Way more expensive but they look amazin!

Anyways, enjoy

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