Page 1 of Pioneer 535 Macrovision - Heap Big Problem!!

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Pioneer 535 Macrovision - Heap Big Problem!!

BigIan (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 9th March 2001, 22:15

Hopefully somebody can help with my problem! I have recently purchased a Pioneer 535 (multiregion), from RS, but unfortunately when daisy chained through a VCR, using composite video the TV picture pulsates light and dark - I understand this to be caused by microvision but as mentioned the player is a multiregion one and is supposed to come with macrovision disabled. This is the second player (535) that I have had with the same problem! Am I doing something wrong? Can anybody help?

Note : With Region 2 selected the firmware is showing as; ver:1.054(4)/AV1:7.00

RS have sent me an Eclipse which looked very good, Macro defeated/deleted, but it only worked for a couple of minutes before stopping and refusing to eject the disc or even acknowledge that there is a disc in there!

RE: Pioneer 535 Macrovision - Heap Big Problem!!

Scoobs (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 10th March 2001, 01:43

When I bought my 535 - I had to go for the Techtronics model as the chaps in the local Richer Sounds shop advised their model was NOT macrovision disabled. I think this is why!

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