Page 1 of MP3 playlists/shuffle on LG3350e?

Hardware Forum

MP3 playlists/shuffle on LG3350e?

SUN GOD (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 14:52


Ive just become a member of the "LG3350e officially rocks!" fan club. Superb player from what ive seen. Ive burnt mp3 to cd and the playback is great but unfortunately they play in alphabetical order, is there anyway around this or any kind of shuffle feature? I know you can program 60 tracks in via the gui but thast not ideal. Can it recognise m3u playlists as well?


RE: MP3 playlists/shuffle on LG3350e?

IT Troll (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 20:02

No it can`t recognise playlists.
Your best option is to organise your tracks into album directories and then prefix the track name with the index number; 01, 02, ..., 10, 11, etc.

For instructions on how to get longer filenames pop on over to:

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 20:03

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