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Advice Request Please

Anthony Finn (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2001, 20:14

i have a samsung 709 , i have also just won a samsung 511. could someone tell me which i should keep , which is best , i have had a few probs with playing some dvds on my 709.

RE: Advice Request Please

kevin tumber (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 3rd March 2001, 23:37

which disks? as am having problems also. suggest you visit for list of naff dvd`s

RE: Advice Request Please

Anthony Finn (Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 4th March 2001, 00:33

im not complaining about discs etc
i just wondered which player is better
i know the 709 has probs with some discs - so i wondered if the 511 was better


any opinions gratefully received

RE: Advice Request Please

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 4th March 2001, 00:46

Well, the 511 is really an upgraded 709, but with a harder to operate hack, and as far as I know, no macro off hack as yet.

The 709 seems the better for this, but the easy answer is try the problem discs in the 511. If the problems still exist, keep the 709 and punt the 511, if the problems don`t, then punt the 709! lol

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