Page 1 of LG3200e - where to buy ?

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LG3200e - where to buy ?

Bunnster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 08:39

The LG3200e seems to be recommended for the £129.99 price tag, but where can you buy this machine. The forums seem to suggest Toys `R Us and Woolworths, but I have looked at their websites this morning and no sign of these machines ?

How can you tell which version of the Firmware the machine has in the shop - I assume you standard shop assistants would not know what you are talking about !!



RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 09:03

You can buy the LG3200 at Blockbusters for £179 which includes a 5 year warrenty on the player, whether or not toys r us or woolies will give you a warrenty like that for £50 for 5 years is debateble ( I think it is really 4 years added onto the 1 year manfu warrenty anyway, you know the typical sh*t you get from the retailers, `oh yes sir it comes with a 5 year warrenty free but starts when you purchase the goods` so it`s a 4 yr warrenty ?` `no sir its 5 years` `no it`s only 4 etc etc)

If you have an old player with older firmware i.e. less than 1.4, which I think is the latest, you could always buy Toy Story box set and try and play the 3rd bonus disk, if it doesn`t you then email LG and they come and replace the unit FOC, you then should have the latest firmware, a lot of hassle I know but like you said joe bloggs sales assistant ain`t going to know - I guess this is so you can hack it ?


RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

Bunnster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 13:29

£50 is a high percentage of the original price. I think I would rather bank the money. I mean will these machines still be useful in 5 years time...

So, any ideas where else to get this machine ?

RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 13:43

At the time I bought it, currys and the like were flogging it at £169 with the warrenty extra, and as to whether it will still be useful in 5 years time, who cares the kids can have it !

RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

Bunnster (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 14:24

Is it a good machine for the money ?

RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 16:36

If all you want to do is play DVD`s then yes, picture, sound and build quality is good for a budget player. You may want to check out the LG 3000 as it plays MP3 I think.

Check out the "RE: LG DVD-3000E any info appreciated" thread on the region hack forum.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 17:03

RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

Jason Scott (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 17:51

Well I have an LG3200e and the firmware hack shows a Micom number of VER1.1 however the region hacks work perfectly.

Where did the 1.4 come into play?

RE: LG3200e - where to buy ?

vern (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th February 2001, 21:42


I`ve seen some posts on here referring to 1.3 and 1.4, guessing that 1.4 is the latest. I will post a thread on this when my new `replacement` 3200e arrives, will find out what version is the latest then for sure.


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