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IS This Right?

ElectricEel (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 12:11

I have a Philips DVDR1000/051 DVD Recorder, Last month it stopped playing and recording DVDs. Philips have quoted me £3590 for a new optical block!!!
I only paid £600 for the whole machine!!

has anyone else had these problems?


RE: IS This Right?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 15:43

How old is it? Where did you buy it? Theres a good chance you are entitled to a repair at the expense of the retailer. If it is less than a year old I believe Philips should repair it as it is faulty within 12 months.

Best people to ask would be your local trading standards office, they can tell you all the details of the law and how to get it repaired.

RE: IS This Right?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 15:50

Philips have quoted me £3590
Can`t be surely ! Reckon they`ve misplaced a decimal point e.g. £359.00 sounds more like it, still pricey though.


RE: IS This Right?

ElectricEel (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 16:04

I have it on a fax, and after getting up off the floor, i rang them to check and yes they say it is the correct price,

I bought it April 2002 and it was £800 not £600 as previously quoted

RE: IS This Right?

sashenden (Elite) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 16:17

So not even 2 years old then? Take it back to the retailer and ask for a repair. Your product should last for a reasonable time, up to 6 years, and it is down to them to get it done at thier expense. Dont let them try to fob you off to Philips either, your contract is with the retailer, not Philips. IF they refuse get Trading Standards on the case.


This item was edited on Friday, 20th February 2004, 16:19

RE: IS This Right?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 20th February 2004, 18:33

So not even 2 years old then? Take it back to the retailer and ask for a repair. Your product should last for a reasonable time, up to 6 years, and it is down to them to get it done at thier expense. Dont let them try to fob you off to Philips either, your contract is with the retailer, not Philips. IF they refuse get Trading Standards on the case.

Just be careful on that one. they can isist that an independant engineer verifies that the fault has happened prematurely, and not through wear and tear or misuse/overuse etc.

If it`s the laser (which I think you`re referring to), that means you would have to have burned in accordance with Philips what they expect the unit to record daily over a 6 year period (dont ask me though, I have no idea what they would classify as normal use!!)

Oh, and until it`s proven that it *IS* a unit fault that`s premature, you need to do the shelling out of the dosh :(

It`s costly, but can sometimes work to your advantage and you end up winning. It`s down to how much hassle and stress you can handle, how much spare dosh ya have sitting about, and what you actually value your player in £s.
Probably, in your defence, is the later Philips models track records (the 880, DVDR70 etc), as they all seem to be riddled with manufacturing faults, so thats definitely something to bring into your case if you`re getting nowhere.

All the best, and GL whatever you decide to do :)

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: IS This Right?

ElectricEel (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 09:12

I`m an engineer working in the broadcast trade, I know from now on i certainly won`t buy anything with a Philips badge on it!
I`m going to give up on this machine and just recommend to people wishing to buy a DVD recorder not to purchase Philips.
Can anyone recommend a GOOD DVD recorder that has firewire,multi-regional (or can be hacked), DVD+R and DVD-R (RW), oh, and NOT Philips!!


RE: IS This Right?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2004, 21:59

I`m an engineer working in the broadcast trade, I know from now on i certainly won`t buy anything with a Philips badge on it!

Which should make it a damned sight easier for you to get an "independant" to check it over and say whether it was or wasn`t premature failure.

don`t give up on it mate, it`s worth a go if nothing else...even if you stop after a coupla phone calls, or a visit to your local TS office.

Eben if all they do is replace with an inferior model, mebbes even refurb`d, you could get some of the dosh of the new one back.

Can`t think of a recorder off the top of my head, easily obtainable with what you ask.
The new Panny E60 does have DV in, but RAM and -R only.
Sony have the -RW/+RW unit, but cue Phellings coming in with what we both think of that...

Higher end units are just not something I look into, but for the RW side, perhaps something with a hard drive might suit more?

Jimbo : oÞ
(I really must sell this E50...never use the damned thing cause I have Sky+! Lol)

RE: IS This Right?

ElectricEel (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 24th February 2004, 14:46


Philips HQ have at last agreed to "have a look" and "see what they can do", whatever that means LOL

Will keep you posted

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