Page 1 of Goodmans 28" WScreen TV 280NS - some advice please?

Hardware Forum

Goodmans 28" WScreen TV 280NS - some advice please?

Digiteer3 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th February 2004, 23:08

Hi - I have just picked up one of these very reasonably (ex-repair shop), but without a manual.
I also suspect that it does not have the original Remote (number on front is RM-2155).
The remote `sort of` controls the TV in that it can access some of the features such as Video, Sound, Volume, Channel change and basicTeletext (trial and error, keys don`t map 100%). But accessing the menus to change the OSD seems impossible and switching AV channels is very hard.
Could anyone please offer any advice on this unit, type of remote to get, source of a manual, Goodmans web site, etc? - all gratefully accepted! :)

BTW - I realise that there is no such thing as a Goodmans factory and that it is as likely to be a rebadged Daewoo as anything else, but it seemed a good 1st bite at the Widescreen game. :/

Many thanks in advance, Malc

RE: Goodmans 28" WScreen TV 280NS - some advice please?

...................................... (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 12th February 2004, 14:21

Older Goodmans were usually made by Ferguson. You could try Partmaster on 0870 9090 444. They do remotes for most makes of TV, DVD, Video etc. They do charge about £25 for a remote though.


RE: Goodmans 28" WScreen TV 280NS - some advice please?

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 12th February 2004, 18:23

Is this the Turkish made monster ?


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